Friday, December 18, 2009

Log Home Christmas Traditions

I have the pleasure of speaking with a variety of log home enthusiasts as I travel to shows and events across the country. It's always interesting to listen to the plans people have, and how they approach challenges and obstacles. As a log home provider, it is our job to help customers through the various stages of building a new custom home, so it is important that we always be good listeners. However, my favorite stories revolve around the passion our customers have for the log home lifestyle.

Everyone has a slightly different story, but we all have something in common. We all share experiences or an event where you "know you know" that log home living is for you. My story revolves around a family Christmas tradition. As long as I can remember, each year our family travels to my Aunt's log home on Christmas-Eve morning. Long before the sun is set to rise, she starts cooking breakfast for the multitude of people soon to come.

In the rural area of Tennessee we are from, everyone is invited. Family, friends, neighbors and folks you don't even remember make their way through for a meal. Our family usually arrives just as the sun is rising, but people come and go for several hours. "Merry Christmas" is sure to be heard, and if you leave without a hug or a warm smile and hand-shake, then you must be Scrooge himself.

My Aunt's Honest Abe Log Home provides the perfect gathering place for the family and community around Christmas. It's warm, cozy and the aroma of a country breakfast and coffee is wonderful. It's this Christmas tradition that drives my passion for log homes. What is your story?

1 comment:

  1. Joshua, I couldn't agree more. Every day of living in a log home is special, but holidays like Christmas or Thanksgiving take on a distinctive feeling. They just seem 'warmer', friendlier, more comfortable... life is richer. It's hard to describe, but I would imagine that anyone who shares this experience would agree.

    Merry Christmas to you and all the folks at Honest Abe Log Homes,

